Thursday, January 28, 2010

Broken hourglass

I wait for you again- always have-
turn the hourglass around,
and then around again
after a million years.
I stare at the sand
trickle, trickle, trickle.
I can't take it anymore
So I knock it off
(the hourglass, I mean)
And it falls
three somersaults in the air
It hits the ground, then
shatters into a million pieces
that is how my heart must look like
The hourglass is destroyed
But its beautiful
millions of tiny pieces of glass
reflecting the light
like in that disco where I first met you
I reach out to grab a few pieces
twinkling like starts and satellitesin the night sky.
I close my fist around them
tight, tighter.
It’s amusing the way they shine
through the blood
I’m starting to like it
just the way I’m starting to like myself
I walk towards the pile of
sand and broken glass
And then almost meaning to
walk over them.
Isn't it soothing, the pain?

Thursday, January 1, 2009



Not all tales are fairytales,
That end in happily ever after,
But there are success stories among failures,
And even in times of sadness, there’s laughter.

There’s loneliness in an overcrowded room,
Sad times last, but happiness is over soon.

It’s midday and the day is bright,
But somewhere deep, it feels as dark as night.

You see the old pair of hands you held on to,
But suddenly you feel no matter what,
Those hands should never touch you.

Once you looked like you barely cared,
Now all this gets you really scared.

You hide under the duvet; you hide behind the shelf,
You try the best you can, to save you from yourself.

When its dark and you feel God created no light,
Dig your heart; I’m sure you’ll find it inside.

This light is courage, my dear friend,
It’ll help you through when sorrows don’t seem to end.

When dark, gloomy clouds take over your skies,
Remember the happy days, move on, but close your eyes

On days you feel your life’s a curse,
Think of someone whose life is worse.

The road will be hard, dreadful and grave,
You’ll have to be strong spirited and brave.

When you have a bad time, try to think of it this way,
That for every day of sadness, you’ll have a happy day.

There will be minor problems, very easy to resolve,
But big ones are the ones you must yourself solve.

When you can’t find an answer, keep the doubt aside; don’t race,
‘Cause while you’re digging for another one, it’ll stare right into your face.

It’s after failure that you’ll succeed,
And through sadness you’ll value laughter,
And even though yours hasn’t been a fairytale,
You can still live happily ever after.


With gritted teeth, and fists clenched,
Your face so red and shirt drenched,
Arms crossed but wide eyed,
You stand twice your size
What has got you, my dear friend,
Is capable of planning the world’s end
It ain’t a change for the better,
Against the world is anger.
When you are angry,
You’ll never forget,
You’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.

Who Cares

We were sitting together
Talking and chit chatting
I saw her friend, lonely and sad behind her
But when I told her, she didn’t care to glance back
But said,
“Who cares!!!!”

The other day with another friend, lurking on the net,
Came a birthday reminder of a close friend
I asked “Wont you send a greeting, one with teddy bears?”
She shrugged a shoulder, and came the reply,
“Who Cares!!!”

I was shocked! My hair stood on, a single reply
Could break a heart, the most common answer (Why?!!)
“Who cares!!”

I was in a bad mood, surely was, really true,
I blamed the birds for singing, angry at myself too
Blamed the sun for shining, filling cruelty
in hearts of people who abandoned others
by saying,
“Who cares!”

I want to show that I care for each of you my friend
Don’t be lonely or your sorrows wont end
But how can I tell you that I care
‘cause you’ll just shrug a shoulder and say
…… (Sigh)…… “Who cares..”……………..


What if the world ends tomorrow,
Should we spend our last day in grief and in sorrow?

What if we never get to be with the one we like,
Should we waste our lives in hatred and spite?

What if all friends and family have to live apart,
Should we die with a frown and a grudge in our heart?

What if death came tomorrow, took our rivals along,
Should we feel happy, remembering what they have done wrong?

What if tomorrow, the world came down crumbling,
Should we really be swearing, groaning and grumbling?

What if tomorrow loved people all fought,
Shouldn’t we cherish the wonderful friends we’ve got?

Shouldn’t we cherish the moment right now,
Solve our own problems and not get in a row?

‘Cause all we have one chance, one moment, one opportunity,
To live in peace and harmony, in friendship and unity.

So don’t live your life in grief and in sorrow,
‘Cause the world just might end tomorrow

Monday, October 27, 2008

? 18th march

Crack open my skull
And peep inside
You'll see what really goes on in that head of mine
You'll prolly see millions of thoughts spinning as if in a dryer
A few thousand untold verses
Unwritten thoughts
Excuses for undone math homework
New pranks and tricks
And people on my hit-list
And a few gazillion tons of useless information and random facts
But cuz you dont understand what any of it means
Instad of freaking out and starting to shriek,
I suggest you glue my head back together and leave.

"Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you" john snoddy

How about that caterpillar on your mulberry tree
How that initial sight of it made you shriek,
But you gave it some time and soon
You saw it turned into a cocoon
It did nothing but hang that way,
just hanging there night and day
You let it be and didnt destroy
And one day it turned into a butterfly
This way all people too,
Can impress us with the things they do
And if you just let others be
You'll be surprised by what you see.

I wrote this a LONG time ago, i think in may or something. and the quote, well, i was watching the last lecture of randy pausch and thats where i got this, and i was like cha-ching! so yah its a bit bleh but whatever